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Discovering Mastery: A Unique Estimation Experience

As an estimator for Midwest Foam Works, a concrete lifting company specializing in lifting concrete with polyurethane foam, I encounter a variety of spaces and meet numerous individuals. Each estimate presents unique challenges and surprises. However, my visit to Paul Stagl's home was an experience that left a lasting impression on me.

A Routine Estimate Turned Extraordinary

On a seemingly ordinary day, I was scheduled to provide an estimate for a client named Paul Stagl. From the outside, Paul’s house looked like any other in the neighborhood, complete with a standard three-car garage. Little did I know that this visit would turn into an inspiring encounter with a master craftsman.

Upon entering the garage, I was greeted not by the usual storage of vehicles and miscellaneous items, but by an impeccably organized woodworking shop. Paul had dedicated his entire third car garage space to his passion for woodworking, transforming it into a complete and professional-grade workshop.

The Art of Wood Turning

Paul specializes in wood turning, an intricate and demanding form of woodworking. His skill with the lathe was immediately evident from the array of beautifully crafted pieces that adorned his workshop. From bowls and vases to his most recent focus on Christmas ornaments, Paul's work was nothing short of astounding.

The Christmas ornaments, in particular, caught my eye. These were not the typical ornaments you’d find in a store. Each piece was meticulously turned on his lathe into perfect, hollowed-out spheres. They were then decorated with inlaid wood and other intricate designs, showcasing a level of craftsmanship that only comes with years of dedication and passion.

A Celebrated Craftsman

Paul’s talent has not gone unnoticed. He is an esteemed member of the South Kansas Woodturners and has won numerous awards for his work. His ornaments, bowls, and other creations are celebrated for their beauty and precision. Seeing these masterpieces up close, I couldn’t help but be impressed by the level of detail and artistry involved in each piece.

The Midwest Foam Works Difference

While my primary purpose was to estimate the concrete lifting job, this encounter underscored the importance of attention to detail and craftsmanship—values we hold dearly at Midwest Foam Works. Our use of polyurethane foam to lift and stabilize concrete is not just about fixing a problem; it's about doing so with precision, care, and a commitment to quality.

Polyurethane foam offers a unique solution for lifting concrete. Its expanding properties allow for precise control and minimal disruption to the surrounding area. Just as Paul meticulously crafts each piece of wood, we carefully lift and stabilize concrete, ensuring a durable and lasting result.

An Inspiring Visit

Leaving Paul’s workshop, I felt inspired. His dedication to his craft reminded me of the pride we take in our work at Midwest Foam Works. Every job, whether it’s lifting a sunken driveway or stabilizing a foundation, is approached with the same level of commitment and care.

Paul’s woodworking shop was a testament to what can be achieved with passion and skill. It was a reminder that excellence in any field requires dedication and an eye for detail. This visit reinforced why I love what I do—meeting remarkable people and helping them solve their concrete issues with innovative solutions.


Encounters like the one with Paul Stagl are a reminder of the hidden talents and passions people hold. At Midwest Foam Works, we are committed to providing top-notch service with the same dedication and precision that Paul applies to his woodturning. Whether it's crafting beautiful ornaments or lifting concrete with polyurethane foam, excellence is all about the details.

If you have concrete that needs lifting or stabilizing, trust Midwest Foam Works to handle it with care and expertise. And if you ever get the chance to see Paul’s woodwork, I highly recommend it—you’ll be as blown away as I was.

About the Author

Mikel Miller

I am the residential estimator at Midwest Foam Works in Wichita, Kansas. Call me today for a 100% free quote.

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With ten years of experience and over 1,500 successful jobs under our belt, Midwest Foam Works is your trusted partner in high-density polyurethane foam concrete leveling. Your satisfaction is our commitment.

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We offer a 3-year warranty.  Our foam will never deteriorate, crumble, or otherwise degrade. It is impervious to water, rodents, and various environmental factors, making it a dependable solution for concrete repair. If any issues arise within the 3-year warranty period, we will address them, ensuring customers' confidence in the longevity of their repairs.

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